Modulo:Marker utilities/Groups
[redakti]Versionomo en Vikidatumoj: 2024-07-08
Returning an array with group properties.
Please use only quotation marks instead of apostrophs for JSON export.
Please do not specify empty strings: let the parameter undefined.
- MediaWiki:ListingInfo.js, makiIcons array
return {
-- administration
moduleInterface = {
suite = "Marker utilities",
sub = "groups",
serial = "2023-05-06",
item = 65445315
-- Default mapframe/maplink show parameter
-- also to set in MediaWiki:MapTools.js: defaultShow
showAll = "Masko,Trako,Aĉeti,Alia,Areo,Eniri,Fari,Fiasko,Loĝi,Manĝi," ..
"Naturo,Perspektivo,Popolita,Religio,Sano,Trinki,Vidi," ..
groups = {
["error"] = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Fiasko", alias = "magenta" },
mask = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Masko" },
track = { color = "#FF00FF", is = "system", label = "Trako" },
area = { color = "#800000", label = "Areo", default = "region", alias = "maroon" },
buy = { color = "#008080", label = "Aĉeti", default = "shop", alias = "teal" },
["do"] = { color = "#808080", label = "Fari", default = "sports", alias = "grey", withEvents = "1" },
drink = { color = "#000000", label = "Trinki", default = "bar", alias = "black" },
eat = { color = "#D2691E", label = "Manĝi", default = "restaurant", alias = "chocolate" },
go = { color = "#A52A2A", label = "Eniri", default = "station", alias = "brown" },
health = { color = "#DC143C", label = "Sano", default = "hospital", alias = "crimson" },
nature = { color = "#228B22", label = "Naturo", default = "landscape", alias = "forestgreen" },
other = { color = "#808000", label = "Alia", default = "office", alias = "olive" },
populated = { color = "#0000FF", label = "Popolita", default = "town", alias = "blue" },
religion = { color = "#DAA520", label = "Religio", default = "church", alias = "goldenrod", inverse = "1" },
see = { color = "#4682B4", label = "Vidi", default = "monument", alias = "steelblue" },
sleep = { color = "#000080", label = "Loĝi", default = "hotel", alias = "navy" },
view = { color = "#4169E1", label = "Perspektivo", default = "viewpoint", alias = "royalblue" },
-- please do not use colors already used for additional groups listed above
cosmos = { color = "#FFCFCF", is = "color", label = "Cosmos", inverse = "1" }, -- instead of former type target, FFCCCC
gold = { color = "#FFD700", is = "color", label = "Oro", inverse = "1" },
lime = { color = "#BFFF00", is = "color", label = "Limeo", inverse = "1" },
mediumaquamarine = { color = "#66CDAA", is = "color", label = "Marbluo" },
orange = { color = "#FFA500", is = "color", label = "Oranĝa", inverse = "1" },
plum = { color = "#DDA0DD", is = "color", label = "Pruno" },
purple = { color = "#800080", is = "color", label = "Purpura" },
red = { color = "#FF0000", is = "color", label = "Ruĝa" },
silver = { color = "#C0C0C0", is = "color", label = "Arĝento", inverse = "1" }